Mt. Bachelor Cup Nordic Race Series

The Mt. Bachelor Cup Nordic Race Series is made up of four ski events brought to you by the Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF) in partnership with Mount Bachelor. Skiers of all ages and abilities are welcome. The goal is to have fun, ski on well-groomed trails and enjoy the amazing Bend ski community.

Choose a distance, line up on the starting line and go! Whether you prefer the warmth of wool or the speed of spandex, whether you want to go as fast as you can or ski with friends, it’s a great way to get outside and enjoy the winter!

We are currently seeking presenting, supporting and prize sponsors for these races. Please email if you are interesting in supporting this series or any individual race as a sponsor.

Mt. Bachelor Cup Nordic Series Races

Register for one, some or all using the link below.




Mt. Bachelor Cup points will be awarded to everyone who finishes a race. Points are calculated by taking your race time and dividing by the average time of the top 3 finishers in your race. For the longest race course the result will be multiplied by 100. For shorter races, the result will be multiplied by the ratio of your race distance divided by the distance of the longest race. Men and women points will be calculated separately. For determining overall end-of-season Mt. Bachelor Cup winners, each person score will be calculated from the combined total races, regardless of how many races each participant completes.


Prizes will be awarded at the end of the season (during the conclusion of the Cascade Crest) to the top Male and top Female finishers.

Race Conditions

Mt. Bachelor Cup Nordic races will not be held when weather or trail conditions pose a safety risk to participants. When the weather or trail conditions are marginal we may encourage participants to enter the shorter distance events, or at the discretion of the race director modify courses as warranted. There is no specific minimum air temperature that races will be held. The determination of whether the race can be safely held will be based on multiple factors including temperature, wind, precipitation and course conditions.

The race director will make a final determination regarding the acceptability of racing conditions as soon as possible, but not later than 8 am the morning of the race. Any cancellations or updates will be posted to the MBSEF and Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center websites. A race that cannot be held due to unsafe conditions will have to be canceled. Registration fees will not be refunded.

Thank you to our Series Supporting Sponsors