General Information 2024-2025 Season

Freeride Development Ski Team Program

Returning Freeride Development Ski Team members (and new siblings) may register online beginning July 1.  New families may register beginning August 1, 9:00am PDT (Pacific Daylight Time). If you are new to the program, please fill out and send in the Freeride New Member Ability Questionnaire to our office by October 15,  New members will be required to participate in a “skills assessment” to ensure they are ready for our Freeride Development Ski Team, held one week prior to the program start in December.

The Freeride Development Ski Team is the foundation of the MBSEF Freeride Ski Team. Skiers age 8 – 14 develop their freeriding skills and are introduced to the fun of competition. The focus of this program is to have fun while taking your skiing to the next level. MBSEF provides a coaching staff certified by the Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA).

The Freeride Development Ski Team is designed to progress and develop skills and to produce well-rounded all-mountain skiers. Training focuses on terrain park, halfpipe, rails, and freeriding skills. Skiers are grouped with others of similar age and ability. This program is held on Saturday and/or Sunday, and also has a Wednesday afternoon option. On-snow times are 10:00-3:00 for weekends, and 12:30 to 4:00 Wednesday.

There are two or three contests during the season for all Freeride Development Team members, slopestyle, boarder/skier cross, and half pipe. The competitions are focused on fun and camaraderie. Skiers are encouraged to participate. Contest dates will be published and communicated during the fall.

Fall Trampoline Training Flyer

2024-2025 Parent/Athlete Manual

ProgramAgesOn-Snow TrainingCompetitionDatesEarly Bird Fee
Jul 1-Oct 14
Fee Effective
Oct 15
Freeride Ski Development Program8-1410:00-3:00 Sat/Sun

12:30-4:00 Wed

Junior Race Center
Date TBD
Skier/Boarder Cross

Date TBD

Date TBD
1 Day

2 Day Sat/Sun/Wed

3 Day Sat/Sun/Wed

Plus $250 refundable work deposit
1 Day

2 Day Sat/Sun/Wed

3 Day Sat/Sun/Wed

Plus $250 refundable work deposit
Download Freeride Ski Development Info
Freeride Competition Ski Team Program

Freeride Competition Ski Team riders train with professional coaches to improve their freestyle riding while learning the fundamentals of freeski competition. MBSEF provides a USASA and USSS certified coaching staff.

On-snow training focuses on all aspects of freeskiing including slopestyle, halfpipe, skiercross and all-mountain freeskiing skills. Riders are taught contest run design, competition strategies, and sportsmanship. Riders are encouraged to compete in our local USASA Central Oregon Series competitions, coaching will be provided. Riders are grouped with others of similar ability and age.

One, two, three and four day options are available: Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday or Thursday afternoons. Weekend training times are 10:00 – 3:00. Midweek training times are 12:30 – 4:00. Midweek riders need to arrange early release with their school. Winter Camp and Spring Camps are included (dates on back). A competition and training schedule will be provided online at

The Freeride Competition Ski Team is a goal-oriented program for motivated riders who want to train for local and regional events and qualify for USASA Nationals. In addition to competing in local events, the Freeride Competition Team also attends USASA regional events in the Mt. Hood Series (Coaching fees included in program fees). Athletes who qualify and wish to attend other events including Futures Tours, Revolution Tours and/or USASA Nationals at Copper Mountain, Colorado will be required to pay additional event coaching fees and coach travel expenses.  Membership fees, Competition fees and all travel fees are not included in MBSEF program fee.

The Freeride Competition Ski Team rider progression is enhanced by team athletes sharing similar goals, individual goal assessment, and a top-level coaching staff. Freeride Competition Ski Team riders are encouraged to train during Winter and Spring Break Camps.

One day winter dryland trampoline is included in the cost.

2024-2025 Competition Team Parent/Athlete Handbook

ProgramAgesOn-Snow TrainingCompetitionDatesEarly Bird Fee
Jul 1-Oct 14
Fee Effective
Oct 15
Freeride Competition Team Program8-1910:00-3:00 (Sat/Sun)

12:30-4:00 (We/Th)

Junior Race Center
Local, Regional, National12/7 to 3/16

Dryland Training Begins 9/16
2 Day

3 Day

4 Day

Plus $250 refundable work deposit
2 Day

3 Day

4 Day

Plus $250 refundable work deposit
Fall Dryland Training8+N/A9/16 to 11/8See Flyer
Download Freeride Competition Ski Team Info Download Freeride Comp Fall Dryland Conditioning Info Van Transportation Information
Freeride Big Mountain Ski Team Program


The Big Mountain Team refines technique and uses the whole mountain as its playground. The focus of this program is to develop the skills needed to ski all that Mt. Bachelor has to offer while having fun and learning about the alpine environment. Athletes will be expected to compete in big mountain competition in the PNW IFSA Region during the season.


Athletes must be able to ski comfortably on the entire mountain, in varied conditions and be comfortable skiing in the Woodward Terrain Parks. Skiing assessments are mandatory with the head coach to confirm placement within the program. Athletes who do not make the skills check may be placed in other programs on a case by case basis. 


Big Mountain Competition Team athletes will begin training in December (conditions permitting). They will train on snow Wed/Thu afternoons, all day Sat/Sun and Winter and Spring camps until  March on Mt. Bachelor. Evening trampoline training (optional) will be announced when the program starts.


15-18 yr old Team – Four training days/week.  National and Regional competition travel required.

12-18 yr old Team – Three training days/week.  National and Regional competition travel required.

12-16 yr old Team – Two training days/week.  National and Regional competition travel required.

9-12 U12 Team – Two training days/week.  Regional competition travel required.

ProgramAgesOn-Snow TrainingCompetitionDatesEarly Bird Fee
Jul 1-Oct 14
Fee Effective
Oct 15
Freeride Big Mountain Team9-12 (U12)10:00-3:00 (Sat)

12:30-4:00 (Wed)

Junior Race Center
2 Day

Plus $250 refundable work deposit
2 Day

Plus $250 refundable
work deposit
Freeride Big Mountain Team12-1610:00-3:00 (Sat)

12:30-4:00 (Wed)

Junior Race Center
Regional, National12/7-3/16$3345
2 Day

Plus $250 refundable work deposit
2 Day

Plus $250 refundable work deposit
Freeride Big Mountain Team12-1810:00-3:00 (Sat/Sun)

12:30-4:00 (Wed)

Junior Race Center
Regional, National12/7-3/16$4025
3 Day

Plus $250 refundable work deposit
3 Day

Plus $250 refundable
work deposit
Freeride Big Mountain Team15-1810:00 - 3:00 (Sat/Sun)

12:30-4:00 (Wed/Thu)

Junior Race Center
Regional, National12/7-3/16$4765
4 Day

Plus 250 refundable work deposit
4 Day

Plus 250 refundable
work deposit
Fall Dryland Training9+N/A9/16-11/8See Flyer
Download Big Mountain Competition Ski Team Info Download Big Mountain Comp Fall Dryland Conditioning Info Van Transportation Information
Freeride Full Time Ski Program

This is our elite team for very motivated riders with the desire to train for and compete in high level competitions. Full Time Team riders train with top-level USASA and USSA certified coaches to improve their riding while learning
advanced principles of freeski competition. This program is primarily designed for athlete participation in FIS level events. Riders focus on qualifying for events such as Futures Tours, USASA Nationals, Revolution Tours, NorAm and
World Cup events.

On-snow training will focus on all aspects of freeskiing including slopestyle, halfpipe, and all-mountain freeriding skills. Riders are coached in contest preparation and execution, competition strategies, ski tuning/waxing, nutrition,
weight and strength training, air awareness via trampoline training, sports psychology and sportsmanship. Coaches will work with athletes to develop a year round training plan including dryland, spring, summer and fall camps and
competition schedule to achieve their desired goals. All dryland training, on-hill training and coach travel fees at contest are included in this program. Athletes who choose to not travel with the team to events will pay a coach travel fee. Competition fees, travel costs, camp costs are not included.

On-snow training days are Wednesday through Sunday. Weekend training times are 10:00-3:00. Weekday training times are 12:30-4:00. Full Time Program athletes begin dryland conditioning in mid-September and on-snow training begins when Mt. Bachelor opens for the season. Winter/Spring Dryland will include 1 day trampoline training and 1 day of strength/weight training. There will be a 1-2 week break after USASA Nationals. Spring sessions and air bag camps are included. Days times will be announced in January. Summer strength training 2 day/week will be offered to interested athletes. This will all be coordinated by the Head Coach. Lockers and wax room facilities provided.

2024-2025 Parent Handbook

ProgramAgesOn-Snow TrainingCompetitionDatesEarly Bird Fee
Jul 1-Oct 14
Fee Effective
Oct 15
Freeride Ski Full Time Program13+10:00-3:00 (Sat/Sun)

12:30-4:00 (We/Th/Fr)

Junior Race Center
Local, Regional, National12/7 to 4/13

Dryland Training Begins 9/18
3 Day

4 Day

5 Day

Plus $250 refundable work deposit
3 Day

4 Day

5 Day

Plus $250 refundable work deposit
Fall Dryland Training13+N/A9/16 to 11/8Included
Download Freeride Full-Time Ski Team Info Download Freeride Comp Fall Dryland Conditioning Info Van Transportation Information

Spring and Summer Program 2024

Spring Air Bag Camps 2024

We are very excited to offer Airbag camps at Mt. Bachelor during the last 2 weekends in April. There will be two 3-day weekend camps. Camps will have 2 groups, 10-13 and 14+.

Camp emphasis will be developing air awareness and getting comfortable learning new tricks into the air bag. Athletes should be comfortable consistently clearing Pacific City Jumps (15-20ft) at a minimum. Each session will consist of a couple warm-up laps through the park then hiking the airbag for 2-3 hours with park runs mixed in to practice the new tricks on jumps. Desired outcomes are to increase each athlete’s comfort level on jumps and practice new rotations (i.e. inverts, corks and off-axis spins) into the airbag, fine tune them on the trampoline with the ultimate goal of eventually taking these to snow.

Afternoon activities will include video review, waxing and trampoline/gym training at the Bill Healy Training Center concluding at 5pm. Please have athletes bring an appropriate change of athletic clothes and footwear.

Daily Schedule: 7:15am-5pm

Meet at MBSEF office at 7:15am for a 7:30am departure.
On-hill 9am-2pm
Waxing, Trampoline and Gym 3-5pm

Freeride Competition Ski Team



On Snow Training:

Local, Regional, National

April 20-22, 2024 (Saturday-Monday) April 26-28,2024 (Friday-Sunday)

Cost: $400 each week session
Including 3/6 days on hill with afternoon training at Bill Healy training facility
Van transportation is included.

*Airbag camps are included for our full-time athletes.

Spring Sessions

Spring Sessions at Mt. Bachelor are a great way to continue athletes progression outside of our regular winter training schedule. We will utilize our Woodward parks and pipes as well natural terrain to continue trick progression and increase confidence and air awareness.We will spend the morning on-hill riding Woodward Parks and then the afternoon at the Bill Healy Training Center working on the trampoline, watching video, waxing skis and boards and going through a short workout.

Please bring a change of clothes, a backpack with lunch, water and snacks. Also please be prepared for inclement weather.

Age groups are 10-13 and 14+, Space is limited, max of 6 athletes per age group per weekend (ski and snowboard). Sign up at to secure your spot!

Athletes under 10 require permission to register, for approval contact:
Coggin Hill
Jon Marks

Daily Schedule:

Gym/Tramp – Thursdays and Fridays
All groups – 4:00 – 5:30 pm

730-5pm, 9-1 on-hill. 1:30 – 5:00 Video review, waxing, tramp and gym training

730-5pm, 9-1 on-hill. 1:30 – 5:00 Video review, waxing, tramp and gym training

Freeride Competition Ski Team


On Snow Training:
9am-1pm Saturday and Sunday

Local, Regional, National

Spring Session 1- May 2-5, 2024 (Thursday and Friday trampoline, Saturday and Sunday on snow)
Spring Session 2- May 9-12, 2024 (Thursday and Friday trampoline, Saturday and Sunday on snow)
Spring Session 3- May 16-19, 2024 (Thursday and Friday trampoline, Saturday and Sunday on snow)

Spring Session 1- $250
Spring Session 2- $250
Spring Session 3- $250

Van transportation included.
Meet at MBSEF at 7:30am, pick-up at 5pm.

*Spring Camps are included for full time athletes

Timberline Summer Day Camps

Training on Mt. Hood in the Timberline Freestyle Training Center (FTC). During the summer we will be offering weekly day camps to Mt. Hood on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s for 6 consecutive weeks. This schedule allows us flexibility to cancel, weather permitting. Pick whatever day/days work best for you. Athletes will meet at MBSEF in the morning and spend a full day riding at Mt. Hood but be back in time for dinner.

These day trips are designed for athletes 12 years old and older who are looking to continue their skill progression during the summer months.

We will have access to the same terrain that HCSC/Windells campers have on-hill. This includes small, medium and large jumps and a variety of rails/boxes accessed via 3 rope tows. Athletes will have access to a mini landing airbag, designed for kids learning their first backflips and cork spins. Athletes should be comfortable hitting 15-20+ ft jumps and riding intermediate boxes and rails.

Daily Schedule:

Depart – Meet at the MBSEF office at 6:45am for a 7am departure Return – Back to the MBSEF office at approx. 5:30pm
No Transportation Required?

Meet coaches outside Timberline Lodge each day at 9:15am. We meet back at the parking lot at approximately 3:15pm.

*Superpipe access will be offered for certain day camps depending on how many athletes are interested in participating in halfpipe training. Please contact Coggin Hill or Jon Marks if you are interested.

Freeride Competition Ski Team


On Snow Training:

Local, Regional, National

June 19 & 20, 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
June 26 & 27, 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
July 10 & 11, 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
July 17 & 18, 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
July 24 & 25, 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)


FTC Only:
$130 for lift/FTC access
$100 Coaching Fee/Coaches lift access $25 Transportation
Total: $255

Superpipe and FTC:
$300 for lift/FTC/superpipe access $100 Coaching Fee/Coaches lift access $25 Transportation
Total: $425

Timberline Summer Camps

During the summer months we will be offering 2 separate week long camps where we will be riding in the Timberline Freestyle Training Center (FTC) on the Palmer glacier at Mt Hood. We will be staying in the Mt. Hood area for 5 nights and creating the whole summer camp experience. We will be on hill everyday (weather permitting) as well as have fun afternoon activities planned around the area. We will be providing 3 meals per day for athletes on non travel days.

How are these camps different from HCSC/Windells? Is my kid ready?

These week-long camps are a very similar experience to attending a HCSC/ Windells Camp. MBSEF athletes attending our camps will be riding with our experienced coaching staff with coaches that they are already familiar with. We are able to offer a summer camp experience for a lower cost than HCSC/ Windells, as well as be able to provide more coach to athlete time on the hill.

Our camps are for motivated athletes aged 10+ (Athletes under 10 need approval from Coggin or Jon) looking to progress their skills throughout the summer months being coached by MBSEF coaches. Coaches will establish summer camp goals with each athlete to maximize progression and get the most out of these camps.

FTC Terrain

We will have access to the same terrain that HCSC/Windells campers have on-hill. This includes small, medium and large jumps and a variety of rails/boxes accessed via 4 rope tows. Athletes will also have access to a mini landing bag designed for kids learning their first backflips and cork spins. Athletes should be comfortable hitting 15-20+ ft jumps and riding intermediate boxes and rails.

Athletes looking to utilize the 22-foot superpipe will be able to do so on certain camp days for an additional fee.


Superpipe access will be offered during our week-long camps depending on how many athletes are interested in participating in halfpipe training. There will be an additional charge for each athlete per day for access into the superpipe.

Daily Schedule:

Camp 1: Designed for ski and snowboard athlete’s 10-13 years old.
Depart – Meet at the MBSEF office at 6:45am for a 7am departure. We will be riding this day and checking into our lodging after our day on the glacier.

If not traveling or lodging with us please meet us in the Lower lodge at the timberline parking lot at 9am each day. Make sure to have the coaches contact information to ensure that you connect with the group. Athletes who are not staying with the team are welcome to join in afternoon activities with the group after our day on the hill and can be picked up by parents at our lodging around 630pm.

Return – We will be riding this day and return back to the MBSEF office at approximately 6pm.

Camp 2: Designed for ski and snowboard athlete’s 14 years and older.
Depart – Meet at the MBSEF office at 6:45am for a 7am departure. We will be riding this day and checking into our lodging after our day on the glacier.
If not travelling or lodging with us please meet us in the Lower lodge at the timberline parking lot at 9am each day. Make sure to have the coaches contact information to ensure that you connect with the group. Athletes who are not staying with the team are welcome to join in afternoon activities after our day on the hill and can be picked up by parents at our lodging around 630pm.

Return – we will be riding this day and return back to the MBSEF office at approximately 6pm.

*Deadline to register is June 1st. Maximum 12 athletes per camp and minimum of 8.

Freeride Competition Ski Team

Camp 1: 10-13 Camp 2: 14+

On Snow Training:
10am-3pm Monday-Saturday

Local, Regional, National

Camp 1: June 24-29, 2024
Camp 2: July 15-20, 2024

*Cost are approximate and depend on number of athletes attending, lodging and lift access prices.

$2,000 (All Inclusive)
-Lift and FTC Access
-5 days Food

$1,600 (No lodging, transportation, or food)

Summer Trampoline Sessions

Freeride 2024 Summer Dryland – Trampoline and Gym Training

For our summer dryland training we will be utilizing our 14’ x 14’ Super Quad trampoline to develop athletes’ air awareness and work through trick progressions to build solid fundamentals. Each trampoline session will have a maximum of 6 athletes and these sessions are split into specific age groups and disciplines to properly match the athlete’s abilities. During each session coaches will spend the first 30 minutes going through a quick warm-up and then moving into a strength, balance, and fitness routine. Athletes will then cycle onto the trampoline for approximately 3 minute sessions over the next 60 minutes. Coaches will analyze each athlete’s body movements and utilize video review to aid in athletes progression and development.

Freeride Competition Ski Team


On Snow Training:


FS & SB Mini Shreds, Monday 10 – 11:30am
Who – Ages 8 – 11 years, Elementary school
When – Two 4-week sessions:
– Session 1: Start Date – June 17, End Date – July 16 (No Training week of July 1-5)
– Session 2: Start Date – July 22, End Date – August 12
Max 6 kids per session

FS & SB Rippers, Monday 11:45 – 1:15 pm
Who – Ages 11-14, Middle School
When – Two 4-week sessions:
– Session 1: Start Date – June 17, End Date – July 16 (No Training week of July 1-5)
– Session 2: Start Date – July 22, End Date – August 12
Max 6 kids per session

FS & SB Rippers, Tuesday 10 – 11:30am
Who – Ages 11-14, Middle School
When – Two 4-week sessions:
– Session 1: Start Date – June 18, End Date – July 17 (No Training week of July 1-5)
– Session 2: Start Date – July 23, End Date – August 13
Max 6 kids per session

FS & SB High School Tuesday 11:45 – 1:15 pm
Who – Ages 14 +, High School
When – Two 4-week sessions:
– Session 1: Start Date – June 18, End Date – July 17 (No Training week of July 1-5)
– Session 2: Start Date – July 23, End Date – August 13
Max 6 kids per session

(No Trampoline training the week of July 1-5)


$150 per session

Summer Strength and Conditioning

Freeride 2024 Summer Dryland – Strength and Conditioning Full Time and High School athletes

Our summer strength and conditioning will be utilizing our full gym in the Bill Healy Training Center. Our goal will be to facilitate athletes in building muscle, improving flexibility, agility, balance and speed during the summer so that they will be ready to go next winter. This will also aid in injury prevention and encourage overall health and wellbeing. We will be offering 3 days a week of supervised gym training during the summer. Each week will progressively build on each other and we will retest after the initial 4 weeks to maximize performance.

Freeride Competition Ski Team


On Snow Training:


June 17 – August 16 Monday, Tuesday and Friday 9-10:30am
(No strength training the week of July 1-5)

Cost – $500

Register Now